Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hungry Ghost Festival

Malaysia is a country which rich with veriety of races which comes with bunches of festival which showed their tradition. Malay,Chinese,India and Iban is some of races in Malaysia and there's a lot more. Chinese is one of the race in malaysia. Chinese have a lot of festival which related to their tradition and religion such as chinese new year, moon cake festival, and many more. One of the most interesting celebration that chinese does was the hungry ghost festivals. sound creepy ha?.

For the chinese, the month of the hungry ghost (usually in the month of august) festivals fall on the 7th of the Lunar Year is the most unlucky time of the year. Taoist believe that the gates of Hell are opened at this time and the spirit departed freely on the earth.

Children are discouraged from staying outdoors late at night, it is considered unlucky to done a big bussiness in this month. Some market expert have observed that even the stock market is quieter during the hungry ghost month. The ghost are "hungry" after the terrible time in Hell.

Besides burning huge joss-stick and candles, taoist believes offer cakes, fruit and more other food to satisfied the spirit.

Burning Hell money for the soul.

Some ritual occasion on the day.

Burning some joss-stick.

burning Hell money and other useful thing for the soul.

Filial chinese family would celebrate this festival to remember their dead family members and pay tribute to them. At the same time, they also pray and pay tributes to others unknown wandering spirits so that these homeless spirit will not disturb into their daily life and also bring bad luck to them.

During this time, most of the event that the taoist done is to satisfied all the wandering ghost that free from Hell.