Monday, August 31, 2009


Here's How:

1)stayed focus:
a) focus on the present, your feelings,understanding one another and finding a solution.
b) make a discussing more taxing and even confusing
c) try not to bring up past hurts or other topics.

2) listen carefully:
a) while it might be difficult, try really listening what your partner saying.
b) don't interrupt and don't get defensives.
c) just hear them and reflect what they are saying.
d) then you will understand them better and they will be more willing to listen to you.

3) try to see their point of view:
a) talk about our point of view to get the other person to see things our way.
b) try to really see the other side, and then you can better explain yours.

4) take a time:
a) take a break from discussion if you feel nervous.
b) sometimes good communication mean knowing when you take a break.

lastly, don't give up:
1) if you both approach the situation with a constructive attitude, mutual respect and a willingness to see the others point of view of at least find a solution. you can make progress toward the goal of a resolution to the conflict.
2) unless it's time to give up on the relationship , don't give up on communication.
3) lastly, don;t give up.



Migration refer to a movement of an individual from their country to another country or their destination. Two main movement are immigration (movement into a destination), emigration (movement of individual from their home country).


Do you know? migration make a significant contribution to the growth of urban areas.
the decision of migrate is the complex one, which affected by "push factors" of the condition at home and the "pull factors" of life in the city.

Push factors are factors that pushes them away from their home such as natural disaster, lack of safety and lack of food. Pull factors are the reason why people move to that certain places such as work, safer climate and political stability.

People migrate cause of many reason such as economic, political, social and environmental.

Economic migration may involved moving to find work or follow particular career path.

Social migration may involved to find a better quality of life or to be closer to their family or friend.

Political migration may cause of war or political persecution.

Environmental causes of migration such as people run away from natural disaster such as flood, earth quakes and more.


Migration like any other process shapes many fields of life, have advantaes and disadvantages. Effect of migration are changes in population distribution, demographic consequences (lack of economically active population has to finance extending group of inactive population), economically result,which are greatest importance for the development of country, decrease in global poverty.




The conclusion the migration will always increased with cause happen. It will not surprise if the statistic of migration will be always increased by next time or fucture.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

History of Punk Subculture

The punk subculture started in the United States and the United Kingdom in the mid-1970s. Exactly which region originated punk has long been a major controversy within the movement. Cities in Australia, South Africa, and Japan also played host to early scenes.The earliest form of punk rock, named protopunk,started as a garage rock revival in the northeastern United States in the late 1960s.The first ongoing music scene appeared in New York City between 1974 and 1976.After that,a punk scene was developed in London.Soon,Los Angeles become the home of the third major punk scene.These three cities were the backbone of these punk movement but there also have other scene in some small cities such as Brisbane and BostonAround 1977,these subculture began to form some groups such as 2 Tone,Oi!,pop punk,New Wave,and No Wave.In 1980,punk underwent a renaissance in the form of hardcore punk while at the same time,Britain saw a parallel movement called streetpunk and then spread to other regions just as the original subculture had.Then,in the mid-1980 until 1990,these underground scenes evolved from punk to new styles,in the process producing the alternative rock and indie music.A new movement is visibly seen in the early and mid-1990s that sought to revive the punk movement, doing away with some of the trappings of hardcore.