Saturday, October 10, 2009

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician orator and the leader of the National German Worker Party,popularly known as a Nazy Party.Hitler join the party in 1919 and became leader of NSDAP in 1921.

Hitler ultimately want to establish a New Order of a absolute Nazy German conquer a politic in uerope.

the book of Hitler

Mien Kampf is a book combines element of autobiography with an exposition of Hitler's political ideology.

From 1924 to 1928,Hitler and his nazis had a little political sucess.As the economy declined,Hitler railed againts the Versailles treaty and cospiracy of Jews and Communists were destroying Germany.

The majority of Germans support Hitler's political ideology.He restored full employment,rebuilt the German economy,and allowed to escape the feelings of inferiotiry instilled after world war 1.

Characterator of Hitler

-firm with himself

-brave and fight in politic

-good orator

-high spirit in party

-work hard to conquer a politic

-to spreading the communists ideology


Nowadays spreading news or transfering data is not a problem for us. There are many gadget that we can use such that internet, SMS ( short massage system ) and etc. Although we have those modern facilities, but there is one types of traditional data source that we are still use nowadays, that is television.

Television is a medium for transfering data, spreading news and for entertainment. Although television is a traditional way of getting data, but it still popular among us as there are many new types and version of television that human invent.
Before this 20th century, television only produce monochromatic images (black and white ) and sound. But, with those engineer and geniuses all around the world, television are upgraded and now they can even produce clearer and colourful images and high quality sound.
Television is medium for various types of data transfering. This is proven by television is an advertising media, news media and even a digital media. This is proving that television is multipurpose media.

In addition, although there are many modern and advance gadget that are invent, but television is always the best.

Friday, October 9, 2009


1) Who build Angkor Wat?
= Angkor Wat is build by khmer people for King Suryavarman II.

2) What does Angkor Wat mean?
= Angkor is from sanskrit word Nagara mean capital.
Wat is the khmer word for tample.

3)Who was Chou Ta-Kuan
= He is a chinese diplomat under the Temur Khan, Emperor Chongzong of Yuan.

4) What is Bayon famous for?
= Bayon is famous cause of its beautiful decoration and artistic statues.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Body art is art that are made on human body which changing the physical of our body by adding accesories or painting on the body.

The most common body art that people done is piercing, tatooing, body painting, shaping, etc.


piercing is an act which puncturing or cutting a part of human body. In other word, making an opening so that jewellery can fit and be worn.

The cultural norm reflected in body piercing are various which include religious, spirituality, fashion, eroticism, or subculture identification.

Extreme piercing mean that piercing at body part that look impossible to pierce at such as back of our body, tongue, face, and more. Some of today's most extreme piercer focus on is at sexual organs

Most of the time, people who involved in this extreme activity are often part of 'underground' groups, because they feel they are more excepted among them.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

History of Ainu People in Japan

Ainu (アイヌ) are an ethnic group of Japan in Hokkaido.Most of them still live in this same region.Ainu culture already appeared since 1200 CE.Most researchers believe that it originatedin a merger of the Okhotsu and Satsumon cultures.Relationships between the Wajin and the Ainu of Ezochi began to develope in the 13th century.The Ainu were a society of hunter gatherers and followed the region based on The Japanese Government introduced the variety of social,political and economic reforms in the hopes of modernising the country and resulted in the annexation of Hokkaido.Japanese government passed an act labeling the Ainu as former Aborigines, and the government think that they would assimilate.

This is resulted in the land the Ainu people lived on being taken by the Japanese government and under Japanese control.The Ainu were given automatic Japanese citizenship and they were been denied of being an indigenous group.The Ainu were becoming increasingly marginalised on their own land and they were being isolated to have their own land,language,religion and customs assimilated into those of the Japanese.The Ainu who had decide to move to Hokkaido then had to give their land to the Wajin.The Japanese government of the Meiji era encouraged them to take advantage of the island’s abundance of natural resources, and to create and maintain farms in the model of western industrial agriculture.The creation of infrastructure such as roads and railway lines were influenced by factories such as flour mills and beer breweries and mining practices.The Ainu were forced to learn Japanese, required to adopt Japanese names and ordered to cease religious practices such as animal sacrifice and the custom of tattooing.Until 1997,the government had stated there were no ethnic minority groups but in 6th June 2008,the Ainu were formally recognized as an indigenous group.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

natural disaster

Natural disaster are disaster that come witout our realise. We never know when, where and how they come. Natural disaster are such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis.

innocent child killed by natural disaster

Most pityful, the poor community. They does not have enough resources to rebuild their home and to stabilise their life again. this is a part of global issues.


hurricane katrina was one of devasting category of hurricane that most dangerous and most of the time domolishing the place where it was happened. most of the time, this hurricanes hit the gulf of Mexico and various southern regions of United States and the most furious were happened on august 2005 which is the largest in that countyr's history.

picture of tornado caught by satelite


the largest earthquakes recorded was at year 2004 which is measured 9 ritcher scale, struck just off sumatera, Indonesia in a fault line running under the sea.

picture of building that damaged by earthquakes

The cost of rebuilding becomes even more of an issue when they are already burdened with debt. Often, poor countries suffer with many lost lives. Aid and disaster relief often does come in from international relief organizations, rich countries and international institutions.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Here's How:

1)stayed focus:
a) focus on the present, your feelings,understanding one another and finding a solution.
b) make a discussing more taxing and even confusing
c) try not to bring up past hurts or other topics.

2) listen carefully:
a) while it might be difficult, try really listening what your partner saying.
b) don't interrupt and don't get defensives.
c) just hear them and reflect what they are saying.
d) then you will understand them better and they will be more willing to listen to you.

3) try to see their point of view:
a) talk about our point of view to get the other person to see things our way.
b) try to really see the other side, and then you can better explain yours.

4) take a time:
a) take a break from discussion if you feel nervous.
b) sometimes good communication mean knowing when you take a break.

lastly, don't give up:
1) if you both approach the situation with a constructive attitude, mutual respect and a willingness to see the others point of view of at least find a solution. you can make progress toward the goal of a resolution to the conflict.
2) unless it's time to give up on the relationship , don't give up on communication.
3) lastly, don;t give up.