Wednesday, September 16, 2009

natural disaster

Natural disaster are disaster that come witout our realise. We never know when, where and how they come. Natural disaster are such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis.

innocent child killed by natural disaster

Most pityful, the poor community. They does not have enough resources to rebuild their home and to stabilise their life again. this is a part of global issues.


hurricane katrina was one of devasting category of hurricane that most dangerous and most of the time domolishing the place where it was happened. most of the time, this hurricanes hit the gulf of Mexico and various southern regions of United States and the most furious were happened on august 2005 which is the largest in that countyr's history.

picture of tornado caught by satelite


the largest earthquakes recorded was at year 2004 which is measured 9 ritcher scale, struck just off sumatera, Indonesia in a fault line running under the sea.

picture of building that damaged by earthquakes

The cost of rebuilding becomes even more of an issue when they are already burdened with debt. Often, poor countries suffer with many lost lives. Aid and disaster relief often does come in from international relief organizations, rich countries and international institutions.